Is Spring Here for Good?


Some of you might remember our post from a few days ago “When will it be Spring?”  It seemed like the cold weather would never go away.  Well… finally today it got warm and it was an incredibly nice day.

We decided to take the dogs for a nice long walk to Sherwood Gardens.  Along the way it was clear that lots of other people were enjoying the nice warm 50-60 degree (Fahrenheit in case any Europeans where wondering or you like to use Celsius) weather too.  We saw lots of runners, kids on bikes and scooters, adults on bicycles, other dogs, etc.  Seems like everyone came out of their house for a little bit today in Maryland to enjoy the better weather from this long and harsh winter.

From what I can tell the forecast looks like it will be nice, but on Wednesday and Thursday it is supposed to be cold and rainy.  This makes washing muddy dog paws a real pain. 🙁 It's already a PIA with all the melted snow in the yard making the place a mud pit instead of a backyard.

Anyway, if it was nice where you live, how are you enjoying the nice weather and the start of Spring?  At least we hope the start of Spring is upon us.

My Endless Supply of Free Tennis Balls

Tennis Balls always seems to get lost and wear out quickly at the dog park and our backyard.  We seem to be running to the store every other week to get a new set of tennis balls.  The other day I was able to snag some Free Tennis Balls though. How and Where? Our local tennis courts!

I noticed our local tennis courts always have a lot tennis balls outside of the fence.  Usually people knock a few out of the courts, it's inevitable.  I assumed that most go get the tennis balls after they finishing playing.  However, walking by the tennis courts with Cody and Sierra over and over, I realized this was a wrong assumption.

If a ball goes over the fence it seems most tennis players don't bother to pick-up the balls.  It's too much hassle!  This means my two English Shepherds very happy dogs.

As you can see we got quite a lot of tennis balls.  I will keep walking by the courts once in awhile to see if there are more tennis balls.

Seems I have hit the jackpot and now have an endless supply of tennis balls.  Just a good tip if your dog (or dogs) keep destroying or misplacing tennis balls.