Sierra’s Auld Lang Syne Video on Good Morning America!

Sierra's Auld Lang Syne Video on Good Morning America!

Another BIG appearance I haven't put up on Singing Dogs is that Sierra was on Good Morning America for the New Year's Show! A producer contacted me and said that they “Loved” the video of Sierra singing to ‘Auld Lang Syne' lying down and they wanted to show it on Good Morning America for the Play of the Day segment.

For those that might have missed it (we did too by the way) you can watch the video here.  I included the short promo they did before the commercial break.

Pretty cool, right?  I mean the guy call Sierra a “He” but at least she was the best part of the Play of the Day segment.  (That is my biased opinion.)  He did say “English Shepherd” which was accurate.

It took me awhile to get the video on Youtube.  Someone sent me a VHS of the show, then I transferred that onto a DVD with my Toshiba DVD Recorder, put the file on my laptop, then I finally got it edited correctly and uploaded it to the SingingDogsRock channel.  It was sort of annoying because it was so time consuming.  At least the video is up so people can see it now.

Please leave a comment below and let us know what you think of Sierra's Good Morning America appearance.  Got an opinion about Cody and Sierra's other media and press appearances?  Leave a comment too!

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