Lazy Singing Dog

We haven't uploaded a new video for awhile, but I think this one is pretty good.  Sierra does a great rendition of a Jazz Classic while being a Lazy Singing Dog.  What do you think?

I like how Sierra is so expressive with her voice, even when lying down and relaxing.  Shows just how musically inclined my girl is.  Even if she isn't always on key, I still think she has pretty good singing chops.  It's not like she attended music school or anything, you know.  Sierra is a completely self taught singer.

By the way, instead of me telling people what the sing is I thought it would be fun if people took a guess. Does anyone know what the song I am playing on my saxophone is in the video? Brownie points to anyone that leaves a comment below and knows what the song is.

Sierra featured on MSN Now

sierra on msn now

Sierra featured on MSN Now

Including Sierra being featured on Babble and the Huffington Post she was also featured on MSN Now back on December 31st, 2012.  It was a pretty funny and cool article:

Hoping for a rocking New Year's Eve party? Might want to cross Sierra the singing dog off your guest list. Here she is, moaning along to “Auld Lang Syne,” with her buddy Cody chiming in from the sidelines. The musical canines belong to sax player Adam Yamada-Hanff and have appeared on Anderson Cooper's show. They're also the stars of Yamada-Hanff's website and have their own Singing DogsRock channel on YouTube. But while this Baltimore-based English shepherd may be a musical maestro, this time she just can't be bothered to sit up straight to ring in 2013. Here's hoping this isn't yet another sign of an impending apocalypse.

What do you think of all of our media coverage?  Leave a comment below and let us know.

Hopefully in 2013 we will have even more press and media appearances.

Follow the Singing Dogs on our Facebook Page and Twitter feed to keep updating with new videos and posts.

Singing Puppy and Dogs Improvise the Blues

Sierra and Scout

It's a blistering hot day here in Baltimore but Sierra, Scout, and Cody have a good way to keep cool, by singing the Blues! That's right it seems all three of these English Shepherds are fans of the blues.  Maybe they have the blues because of the heat and are not playing outside today.  I don't know!  I can only tell you I love playing the blues with them! 🙂

Cody did sing but unfortunately he wasn't in the field of view for the video.  You can still hear his nice deep bass voice though.

Also checkout Singing Sierra and Singing Scout from the other day.