Happy New Year! Enjoy our “Auld Lang Syne” Videos!

Happy New Year everyone!  Well it's not quite New Year's and it is still a few days away but it's never too early to celebrate the New Year with Crooning Cody and Singing Sierra, also known as the Singing Dogs.   Especially since Cody and Sierra love to sing along to the classic Scottish melody and New Year's song, “Auld Lang Syne.”

Remember this video of Cody and Sierra singing to “Auld Lang Syne” got us on the daytime TV show “Anderson” with the well known CNN news anchor Anderson Cooper.  (Did you know Anderson Cooper is a Vanderbilt? As well he is Gloria Vanderbilt's son.)   To see the Anderson segment please visit our Press page.

Sierra and I also made a new “Auld Lang Syne” video where she is a bit lazy.   As of today the video seems to have about 12,500+ views.  Youtube view counters are always behind the real view count number so it's hard to tell.  Please keep up the view counts as  we hope our Happy New Year message will go viral! 🙂

Again, we just wanted to to wish everyone a Happy New Year.  We hope you had a great 2012 and accomplished everything you wanted.  For 2013 we hope that you will make New Year's Resolutions and goals that you can also achieve and follow through with.  Our New Year's Resolution is to help more animals and make more people happy with our music.

Do you have New Year's Resolution?  Anything you want to accomplish in the New Year?  Please leave a comment below and let us know.