Cody and Sierra sitting on a Stone Wall [Picture]

Yesterday I posted a fun picture of Cody and Sierra when Sierra was a puppy.  The picture showed just how hard it is for older dogs when adding a puppy to the family.

Since that picture was bit high energy I thought I'd share this calm picture.

sierra cody lookoutSierra took cues from Cody and wanted to be with him when he was keeping a “lookout” over the yard and house.  I like how in the picture she is next time him and looking the other way.  She also liked to cuddle with Cody when he was napping outside.  Unsure if he was happy about that.  Of course we thought it was cute and funny that she was following around her big brother just like a little sister would.

Having a puppy is fun, but it's nice when a dog grows up and there are no more “messes” in the house.  Do you think everyone loves puppies?


Cody defending his Attention Time [Picture]

Since I haven't posted in while I thought I would share this picture we found recently while trying to organize some files.  (Not real files but computer files.)  This was a funny picture of Cody and Sierra back when Sierra was just a little fluff ball, also known as a puppy.  Check it out, we think it's kind of cute.

cody vs sierraCody wasn't too happy with Sierra since she changed everything and was getting a lot more attention than he thought she should.  He's just trying to defend his “turf” and his attention time from the family.

We noticed that Cody's personality changed a lot from a spoiled only dog too a being a “grown-up” dog when Sierra came into the mix.  He was pretty hard on her, still is mostly, but things have changed.  Cody plays with Sierra and tolerates her being around… but probably wouldn't mind if she left and things got back-to-normal in his mind.

Have you ever introduced a puppy into your family when you already had a dog?  Had did the dog react to a puppy?  Was it good or bad?

We will try to find fun pictures of the Singing Dogs and do short and quick posts.  What do you think Cody is saying here?  We'd love to hear opinions and comments.

Cody and Sierra Lying Together


Cody and Sierra

I thought this was a cute picture of Cody and Sierra lying together, so I thought I would share.  Sometimes they sit next to each other closely but don't touch like this.  I thought it was nice the dog siblings could be so close.  I haven't really seen Cody and Sierra do this except when Sierra was a puppy and liked to cuddle in Cody's belly.  Nice to see they still like old habits.

English Shepherd Puppy in Eddie Bauer Catalog

We got the new Eddie Bauer catalog this morning and I noticed something interesting on the cover and first page, an English Shepherd puppy.  Take a look!

Not only I am fairly sure it is an English Shepherd but it looks lot like Cody did when he was a puppy.  Sable coloring with a splash of white here and there including the “white socks” as we like to call them.  While this Eddie Bauer catalog puppy is cute, we obviously think that Cody was a much cuter puppy.   I guess Cody should have done some dog modeling! 🙂

UPDATE: The puppy featured in the Eddie Bauer catalog is NOT an English Shepherd.  It is actually a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever.  A lot of people actually think Cody is a duck toller so it's not surprising I think they look like English Shepherds.  Even Eddie Bauer got it wrong as this was in the catalog:

Darwin is a New Brunswick duck tolling retriever.  He's enjoying a break in his training to become an avalanche rescue dog at the Crystal Mountain ski area near Seattle.

I noticed the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever community is a little upset since there is no such thing as “New Brunswick duck tolling retrievers.”  I am sure there some duck tollers live in New Brunswick though.

Singing Dogs have the Blues!

We haven't made any videos in awhile, but this is a short and sweet video brought to you by Singing Dogs which should put a smile on peoples faces for Labor Day Weekend.

I love the playing the blues on my saxophone but not as much as Cody and Sierra like singing to the blues it seems!  For some reason anytime I play these notes and this blues scale they both sing.  I guess we will work on a song that we can all enjoy.

We hope everyone has a nice Labor Day! 🙂


Singing Puppy and Dogs Improvise the Blues

Sierra and Scout

It's a blistering hot day here in Baltimore but Sierra, Scout, and Cody have a good way to keep cool, by singing the Blues! That's right it seems all three of these English Shepherds are fans of the blues.  Maybe they have the blues because of the heat and are not playing outside today.  I don't know!  I can only tell you I love playing the blues with them! 🙂

Cody did sing but unfortunately he wasn't in the field of view for the video.  You can still hear his nice deep bass voice though.

Also checkout Singing Sierra and Singing Scout from the other day.