Including Sierra being featured on Babble and the Huffington Post she was also featured on MSN Now back on December 31st, 2012. It was a pretty funny and cool article:
Hoping for a rocking New Year's Eve party? Might want to cross Sierra the singing dog off your guest list. Here she is, moaning along to “Auld Lang Syne,” with her buddy Cody chiming in from the sidelines. The musical canines belong to sax player Adam Yamada-Hanff and have appeared on Anderson Cooper's show. They're also the stars of Yamada-Hanff's website and have their own Singing DogsRock channel on YouTube. But while this Baltimore-based English shepherd may be a musical maestro, this time she just can't be bothered to sit up straight to ring in 2013. Here's hoping this isn't yet another sign of an impending apocalypse.
What do you think of all of our media coverage? Leave a comment below and let us know.
Hopefully in 2013 we will have even more press and media appearances.
Follow the Singing Dogs on our Facebook Page and Twitter feed to keep updating with new videos and posts.
Happy New Year everyone! Well it's not quite New Year's and it is still a few days away but it's never too early to celebrate the New Year with Crooning Cody and Singing Sierra, also known as the Singing Dogs. Especially since Cody and Sierra love to sing along to the classic Scottish melody and New Year's song, “Auld Lang Syne.”
Remember this video of Cody and Sierra singing to “Auld Lang Syne” got us on the daytime TV show “Anderson” with the well known CNN news anchor Anderson Cooper. (Did you know Anderson Cooper is a Vanderbilt? As well he is Gloria Vanderbilt's son.) To see the Anderson segment please visit our Press page.
Sierra and I also made a new “Auld Lang Syne” video where she is a bit lazy. As of today the video seems to have about 12,500+ views. Youtube view counters are always behind the real view count number so it's hard to tell. Please keep up the view counts as we hope our Happy New Year message will go viral! 🙂
Again, we just wanted to to wish everyone a Happy New Year. We hope you had a great 2012 and accomplished everything you wanted. For 2013 we hope that you will make New Year's Resolutions and goals that you can also achieve and follow through with. Our New Year's Resolution is to help more animals and make more people happy with our music.
Do you have New Year's Resolution? Anything you want to accomplish in the New Year? Please leave a comment below and let us know.
I finished uploading and editing a version of “Auld Lang Syne” today which features just Singing Sierra. (You can hear Crooning Cody too a little in the video too, but you need to listen closely.)
Sierra not only sings in this video but she is singing lying down on her side. I would say it's a lazy version of “Auld Lang Syne!” Sierra likes to sing lying down a lot but this is one of the best videos we have of her singing lying down. It's great!
Compared to our original Auld Lang Syne Youtube video, which got us on Anderson, I think Sierra's singing has really developed and improved. She seems to be following notes more closely now and wants to follow along with the song and music. Cody does a better job now too, but still doesn't quite open up his mouth as much so his singing is more muffled. I guess Sierra needs to give him more singing lessons.
Auld Lang Syne is just the start of the all the holiday music and songs we will be releasing over the next couple weeks. We have many Christmas songs we are practicing and working on getting onto the camera. Sierra and Cody can sometimes be “Dog Divas” and won't sing when we get out the camera. I guess they are shy!
Remember you can also Suggest Holiday Songs or Christmas songs for Crooning Cody and Singing Sierra to sing. We can't accommodate all song requests but will do our best to try.
This was posted on Adam's Auto Advice on December 27, 2011 but I thought I should share it here.
Yesterday Sierra, Cody, my Mom and I appeared on Anderson Cooper's new daytime talk show, Anderson, on national TV! It was quite amazing to see ourselves on TV with Anderson Cooper. It was sort of surreal, “Was that real?”
Then I flashed back to when we actually went up to New York City for the taping and remembered talking with Anderson Cooper. That was real!
When you see yourself on national TV though, you realize a lot of people will see this! My immediate thoughts when I saw myself on TV were, “Is that really me?” You tend to have an outer image of what you think you look like. When you see a picture of yourself you are not crazy about you rationalize, “Oh well, nobody will see this!”
I was pleased with how the whole segment turned out. You are kind of afraid that maybe you did something odd or stupid, and did not realize it. Then it will be shown on TV! I thought my playing was good, and Sierra's singing was wonderful. It looked like Cody was going to sing, but I guess he wasn't in the mood. He had such a stoic and proud look when Sierra was singing. He's got a great voice as well, but maybe he just wanted Sierra to have the spotlight.
At least I was happy I able to keep my composure. I was also happy that the dogs behaved and that they looked very nice on TV. The baths definitely helped!
When the segment aired Cody watched intently like he usually does when dogs are on TV. However, this time he was watching himself. Sierra did something pretty hilarious. When she heard herself on TV, she vocalized softly while lying down on the bed through the entire song. It was great!
If you missed the Anderson segment yesterday, don't worry. It has already been posted on the Anderson website. Click here, to watch it. The segment did not show our full Auld Lang Syne video. Check out the SingingDogsRock Youtube Channel for additional videos.
In Baltimore it was on NBC at 2pm, but other people told me it was on Fox and CBS. People also wrote emails saying the show aired at 9am and 10am in some parts of the country. I don't know how TV works these days!
I hope this leads to more opportunities for us. I have consulted with Sierra and Cody and they would like to use their musical gifts to help animals in need.
Please visit National English Shepherd Rescue (NESR), if you want to learn more about English Shepherds. Maybe you would even like to adopt one to love and cherish.