Sierra’s Auld Lang Syne Video on Good Morning America!

Sierra's Auld Lang Syne Video on Good Morning America!

Another BIG appearance I haven't put up on Singing Dogs is that Sierra was on Good Morning America for the New Year's Show! A producer contacted me and said that they “Loved” the video of Sierra singing to ‘Auld Lang Syne' lying down and they wanted to show it on Good Morning America for the Play of the Day segment.

For those that might have missed it (we did too by the way) you can watch the video here.  I included the short promo they did before the commercial break.

Pretty cool, right?  I mean the guy call Sierra a “He” but at least she was the best part of the Play of the Day segment.  (That is my biased opinion.)  He did say “English Shepherd” which was accurate.

It took me awhile to get the video on Youtube.  Someone sent me a VHS of the show, then I transferred that onto a DVD with my Toshiba DVD Recorder, put the file on my laptop, then I finally got it edited correctly and uploaded it to the SingingDogsRock channel.  It was sort of annoying because it was so time consuming.  At least the video is up so people can see it now.

Please leave a comment below and let us know what you think of Sierra's Good Morning America appearance.  Got an opinion about Cody and Sierra's other media and press appearances?  Leave a comment too!

Follow the Singing Dogs on our Facebook Page and Twitter feed to keep updated with new videos and posts to the blog. 

Pet Blogger Challenge

Pet Blogger Challenge Jan. 10

Pet Blogger Challenge

I noticed this Pet Blogger Challenge being put on by and thought I would answer the questions just for kicks even though we are one day late.  Hopefully this will encourage us to kick start into an even more awesome dog blog with better content for 2013.

1. When did you begin your blog?

I started Singing Dogs on May 21st, 2012 with this post!

2. What was your original purpose for starting a blog?

To showcase and keep people and fans updated with Cody and Sierra also known as the Singing Dogs.  As well as showcase their talents by posting videos.  It was also so it would be easier for media to find and contact us.

3. Is your current purpose the same?

Generally yes, it has served it's purpose well.  We were contacted by Good Morning America via this blog to use one of Sierra's videos for New Year's.  Many other website and blogs have picked up our videos now.

If so, how do you feel you’ve met your goals?

I think we have meet our goals pretty well.  I would like more traffic ( like all bloggers) but we are doing pretty well.  We were mentioned on the MSN, Huffington Post, Buzzfeed and a ton of other websites and I feel 2013 will only bring more great things for Singing Dogs.

4. How often do you post?

Not often enough!  Sparringly once a week maybe but I will work on improving that in the coming months.  More content but shorter posts probably.

5. Do you blog on a schedule or as the spirit moves you?

More as the spirit moves me.  I feel that's better than forcing yourself to put out content you don't like or want to write.  The blog is mainly for keeping people updated with Cody and Sierra.  I will move into doing product reviews and showcase adoptable dogs.

6. How much time do you spend writing your blog per week? How much time visiting other blogs? 

I read a lot of other blogs but they are mainly not pet related.  Mostly for internet and web marketing and researching new SEO techniques.  I do keep up with other pet bloggers via Twitter though.

7. How do you measure the success of a post and of your blog in general (comments, shares, traffic)?

Even if a post hasn't gotten a lot of shares but is bringing in good targeted traffic, I consider it a success.  I think not ever post has to be SEO friendly and get lots of traffic.  Many bloggers get too caught in making ever post great, when that just can't happen all the time.

The pet and dog niche is specific.  The visitors here like to comment and share and I feel if someone has commented I have done a good job.  So please comment! 🙂

8. If you could ask the pet blogging community for help with one issue you’re having with your blog, what would it be?

Probably to share Cody and Sierra's videos more!  We want to go viral around the world! 🙂

9. What goals do you have for your blog in 2013?

I have a lot of goals for this blog and my other websites.  I want to learn to graphic design and more coding to make this blog look better and do some funky stuff.

I also hope that I can turn Cody and Sierra into worldwide internet sensations and in the process raise awareness about animal cruelty.  I think there is way to use our videos to raise money for animal shelters and drive adoptions, but haven't quite figured that out yet.  Singing Dogs seems to make everyone happy.

Follow the Singing Dogs on our Facebook Page and Twitter feed to keep updating with new videos and posts.

Happy New Year! Enjoy our “Auld Lang Syne” Videos!

Happy New Year everyone!  Well it's not quite New Year's and it is still a few days away but it's never too early to celebrate the New Year with Crooning Cody and Singing Sierra, also known as the Singing Dogs.   Especially since Cody and Sierra love to sing along to the classic Scottish melody and New Year's song, “Auld Lang Syne.”

Remember this video of Cody and Sierra singing to “Auld Lang Syne” got us on the daytime TV show “Anderson” with the well known CNN news anchor Anderson Cooper.  (Did you know Anderson Cooper is a Vanderbilt? As well he is Gloria Vanderbilt's son.)   To see the Anderson segment please visit our Press page.

Sierra and I also made a new “Auld Lang Syne” video where she is a bit lazy.   As of today the video seems to have about 12,500+ views.  Youtube view counters are always behind the real view count number so it's hard to tell.  Please keep up the view counts as  we hope our Happy New Year message will go viral! 🙂

Again, we just wanted to to wish everyone a Happy New Year.  We hope you had a great 2012 and accomplished everything you wanted.  For 2013 we hope that you will make New Year's Resolutions and goals that you can also achieve and follow through with.  Our New Year's Resolution is to help more animals and make more people happy with our music.

Do you have New Year's Resolution?  Anything you want to accomplish in the New Year?  Please leave a comment below and let us know.