8 Tips to Prepare for a Hurricane with your Pets

Cody and Sierra, Part of the Family

With Hurricane Sandy, aka Frankenstorm, bearing down upon the entire Eastern seaboard and many states scrabbling to be ready when Sandy does hit, I am sure lots of people are going out to get food and supplies.  Something to remember during Hurricane Season and with Hurricane Sandy bearing down on us is to make preparations not just for yourself but your whole family, which includes your pets.

Pets are an integral part of people's and family's lives.  So make sure to follow these tips when preparing for Hurricanes with your pets.

  1. Food: Make sure to have enough food not just for yourself, but your pets as well.  We have dry dog food and canned dog food that will last Cody and Sierra about 2 weeks if necessary.
  2. Water: You also need to have clean drinking water for your pets too.  It is recommend to have 1 gallon of clean water per day.  If you are not sure if you have enough, at least have a teapot and heat source so that you can boil and sanitize drinking water if necessary.
  3. First Aid:  It's always good to have a First Aid Kit for people as well as pets.  You never know when you might need it.  I recommend having hydrogen peroxide (for disinfecting wounds), bandages and gauze, cloth tape, needles, gloves, ointment, and a blanket.  It is also a good idea to have a first aid booklet handy as well, as any medications that you or your pets need.
  4. Emergency Contacts: Keep an emergency contact for people who can help with your pets as well as veterinarians phone numbers in a safe place.   Also find the location of the nearest nearest pet-friendly shelter if you are your pet must go there.
  5. Towels and Rain Gear: We use microfiber towels that dry quickly for our dogs and they are very useful when we have no power, and can't wash clothes or towels.  If you need to go outside so your dogs can eliminate you are going to need rain gear.
  6. Cash: Cash is always good to have.
  7. Flashlights and Batteries:  It's good to have flashlights and batteries if you are going to be without power for a long time.   I would also recommend having short stubby candles since they are less likely to tip over and cause a fire.  Matches are a good idea to have too!
  8. Full Tank of Gas:  If gas stations don't have power, they can't sell gas.  It's a good idea to fill up your car's gas tank if you need to go somewhere with your pet.

I hope these 8 tips will help you prepare for Hurricane Sandy, Frankenstorm, or any other hurricane during hurricane season or other bad weather.  If you have a suggestion for this list or tips regarding hurricane preparedness with pets, please leave a comment below.

Cody and Sierra’s Vegetarian/Mixed Dog Food

We like to feed Cody and Sierra vegetarian dog food.  We don't have anything against meat eaters or people who give their dogs or pets food with fish, meat, chicken or other animal products.  We eat fish and chicken too (not much red meat though).

We have noticed that our dogs breath smells much better when we feed them vegetarian dog food as opposed to dog food with meat or animal products in it though.  As well as their mmm… dog excrement (poop) smells much better too.  It makes a difference when you have to pick it up you know! 🙂

However, if we have leftover chicken, fish, pasta, etc. we like to give that to the dogs to vary their diets.  We feel it's a good use of leftovers which otherwise would be wasted and gives the dogs a variety of food, even if it's meat.  I personally think “real meat” we give them is much healthier then any processed crappy dog food.

I was wondering if other people share the same feelings about dog food?  What type of dog food do you feed your dogs or pets? Do you give them people food?