Sweet and Wonderful English Shepherd up for Adoption in Virginia

english shepherd

Sweet and Wonderful English Shepherd up for Adoption in Virginia

UPDATE 5-25-2013 – Mister Bear was adopted according to the National English Shepherd Rescue adoption page.

You might have noticed that we have started to post animals on Singing Dogs that are available for adoption.  Today I am featuring Mister Bear an English Shepherd located in Virginia.  I transported him from a shelter in Ohio out here so he could find a good home.  Unfortunately he has been  in foster care with the National English Shepherd Rescue for over a year.

I think it is really time for him to find his forever home (some like to say furever home) with a new family.  He was a sweet and calm dog when I transported him and I have been told he has adjusted quite well to being in a foster care environment.

Wanted: Special person who enjoys laughing, fully living every moment, and lots of public displays of affection. If you bring confidence, experience, and a gentle hand to this relationship, I'll give you all the love you can handle! Sheep, goats, or geese are a plus, but not a necessity, so long as we have plenty of room to play and you can think of ways to keep me busy! My first relationship was a huge disappointment, but I'm ready to try again, so if you like long walks through green pastures, full-body hugs, and chasing the occasional goose back into its pen, please drop a line to my agent, Michael. (sage_moon_naturals@yahoo.com)

Can't wait to meet you!
Love, Mister Bear

If you need an all around partner on your farm and would like more information on Mister Bear contact Michael at (sage_moon_naturals@yahoo.com) please put Bear in the subject line.

Click here for Mister Bear's listing and to find out more about the adoption process.  If you want to know about the English Shepherd breed visit the National English Shepherd website to learn more.

Follow the Singing Dogs on our Facebook Page and Twitter feed to keep updated with new videos and posts to the blog. 

Sierra’s Auld Lang Syne Video on Good Morning America!

Sierra's Auld Lang Syne Video on Good Morning America!

Another BIG appearance I haven't put up on Singing Dogs is that Sierra was on Good Morning America for the New Year's Show! A producer contacted me and said that they “Loved” the video of Sierra singing to ‘Auld Lang Syne' lying down and they wanted to show it on Good Morning America for the Play of the Day segment.

For those that might have missed it (we did too by the way) you can watch the video here.  I included the short promo they did before the commercial break.

Pretty cool, right?  I mean the guy call Sierra a “He” but at least she was the best part of the Play of the Day segment.  (That is my biased opinion.)  He did say “English Shepherd” which was accurate.

It took me awhile to get the video on Youtube.  Someone sent me a VHS of the show, then I transferred that onto a DVD with my Toshiba DVD Recorder, put the file on my laptop, then I finally got it edited correctly and uploaded it to the SingingDogsRock channel.  It was sort of annoying because it was so time consuming.  At least the video is up so people can see it now.

Please leave a comment below and let us know what you think of Sierra's Good Morning America appearance.  Got an opinion about Cody and Sierra's other media and press appearances?  Leave a comment too!

Follow the Singing Dogs on our Facebook Page and Twitter feed to keep updated with new videos and posts to the blog. 

Sierra featured on MSN Now

sierra on msn now

Sierra featured on MSN Now

Including Sierra being featured on Babble and the Huffington Post she was also featured on MSN Now back on December 31st, 2012.  It was a pretty funny and cool article:

Hoping for a rocking New Year's Eve party? Might want to cross Sierra the singing dog off your guest list. Here she is, moaning along to “Auld Lang Syne,” with her buddy Cody chiming in from the sidelines. The musical canines belong to sax player Adam Yamada-Hanff and have appeared on Anderson Cooper's show. They're also the stars of Yamada-Hanff's SingingDogs.net website and have their own Singing DogsRock channel on YouTube. But while this Baltimore-based English shepherd may be a musical maestro, this time she just can't be bothered to sit up straight to ring in 2013. Here's hoping this isn't yet another sign of an impending apocalypse.

What do you think of all of our media coverage?  Leave a comment below and let us know.

Hopefully in 2013 we will have even more press and media appearances.

Follow the Singing Dogs on our Facebook Page and Twitter feed to keep updating with new videos and posts.

Sierra Featured on Parenting Website Babble

sierra on babble.com

I am bit late with posting this but I thought I would let everyone know that Sierra was featured on the parenting website Babble.com about a month ago for New Year's.

I love to sing and I love listening to my kids sing too.

There is something about it that seems to release the happy emotions and reduce the stress when you belt out your favorite tune!

With the New Year ringing in tonight, one song many of us will be singing is the classic New Year’s song, “Auld Lang Syne.” Sung by the crowd as the clock strikes midnight, this song becomes very popular this time of year.

I don’t know the words to this song, but the tune I could hum at any moment — it’s just so catchy. That’s what this dog feels too because she sings along to the instrumental of the music. Sierra and her partner Cody is one of the two Singing Dogs who love to belt out the tunes.

This video shows Sierra serenading us all into the new year with her rendition of the traditional New Year’s song.

We thought it was a nice article and it was written by Devan McGuinness.  Thanks for sharing Sierra's “Auld Lang Syne” video Devan and we hope you will write more articles about us!

In the post Devan linked to an article from Modern Dog Magazine about Dogs In Music.  It is an interesting read and I am glad she linked to the article since I learned a lot from reading it and found it interesting.

Btw I wouldn't feel bad about not knowing the lyrics to Auld Lang Syne.  I know some the lyric to it but not all of them.  Of course Sierra and Cody know all the lyrics very well.

You can find Devan McGuinness on her blog Accustomed Chaos which is all about her, her family, and great vegan and gluten free recipes.  Devan is also the founder of the website Unspoken Grief which helps women who have experienced a miscarriage.

Follow the Singing Dogs on our Facebook Page and Twitter feed to keep updating with new videos and posts.

Singing Dogs PetAg Giveaway

petag dog food

Could your dog or pooch stand to loose a few pounds here and there?  Is that the New Year's Resolution you have for your dog (and probably yourself)?  Then you will be happy to hear that the Singing Dogs are holding our very first giveaway for some healthy dog treats and food to help your dog shed that extra weight in 2013.

We are giving away some great healthy dog food and treats kindly provided by PetAg, a pet food company.  PetAg focuses on providing dogs, cats, and pets with healthy and nutritional food instead of the junky and fatty food you might find at you local pet or grocery store.

Cody and Sierra liked the PetAg treats we gave them and were not at all turned off by them.  Since my Singing Dogs can be quite fussy eaters sometimes I took this as a good sign that the PetAg treats are nutritional and tasty.  (Of course I haven't actually eaten the treats myself .)

There are two prize packages which means there are two possible winners. The Singing Dogs PetAg Prize Package includes:

  1. 28 ounce container of PetAg Dog Slim Food Supplement ($39.99 Retail Value)
  2. Two bags of DogSlim Dog Treats

To enter this out PetAg Giveaway you must do two things.

  1. Like the Singing Dogs Facebook Page OR Follow us on Twitter
  2. Leave a comment here with a valid email address and let me know which one you did.

I will pick the winner randomly and our PetAg giveaway ends at Cody and Sierra's discretion.   Multiple entries are not allowed.  People who are already following us on Facebook and Twitter are eligible but still must leave a comment.  Shipping is will be covered by us to the lower 48 US states.

Let me know if you have any questions about our Giveaway. Btw Cody is in the picture, but he is not included in the Giveaway! 🙂

Follow the Singing Dogs on our Facebook Page and Twitter feed to keep updating with new videos and posts.