The First Noel

I just finished editing and uploading our latest Christmas song, The First Noel.  Check out the new video here;

The First Noel – Merry Christmas!

It's a Christmas caroling classic and Sierra really enjoys singing along to it. I only made a few takes of this song but I felt this one came out the best.  Sometimes Sierra just stops in the middle of the song and gets distracted.  Here she has an itch she feels she has to take care of I guess.  There is usually something wrong with each The First Noel takes we did so you just use whichever came out best on video.  (We have better audio versions but sometimes the Singing Dogs are not in the frame.)

Unfortunately Cody seems to not like The First Noel so much as it seems he doesn't feel like this is one of his “songs” he can sing along to.  Cody tends to like more Rhythm and Blues songs where he can express his deeper baritone-bass voice honestly.  At least he enjoyed listening from the other room I was told.  He does at least appreciate music, more than other dogs.

Anyway, sorry we haven't been posting as much videos lately but I hope The First Noel satisfies fans of the Singing Dogs.  We hope that you will considering donating any money or other items that are needed by animal rescues and shelters this time time of year.  We've done rescue work in the past fostering dogs and it can be a rewarding and joyful experience.

Merry Christmas! …or Happy Christmas as they say in the UK.  What are doing this holiday season?  Do you have any special requests for the singing dogs?

More Christmas Songs “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

The Singing Dogs and I have been working on more Christmas songs and holiday music for all of our fans enjoyment.  Yesterday it didn't seem like Singing Sierra or Crooning Cody were in a musical mood.  I was playing for quite awhile on my Alto saxophone with piano accompaniment by my brother.  We were just practicing and I was not expecting much… until Sierra started to sing to “Santa Claus is Coming to Town.”  Cody joined in as well.

It seem we just need to get into the right groove as a band and play the right song for them to sing.  I was playing “Jingle Bells” and some other Christmas songs but there was no reaction.  I think Singing Sierra and Crooning Cody really liked having a complete band with the piano.  It gives the singing dogs a much fuller sound.  More videos with piano accompaniment are on there way before Christmas.

We hope you all enjoy “Santa Claus is Coming to Town.”  Please also watch our other Christmas songs “Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer” and “O Christmas Tree.”  If you have Christmas songs you would like the Singing Dogs to sing please submit a song request.  We can't guarantee we fulfill a request but we will try out best to do so.

If you like our videos please leave a comment and let us know.  We love hearing from fans!   Please also Like our Facebook page and Follow us on our Twitter feed.  You can also see more videos on our Youtube channel.  We keep everyone updated with the latest news and videos of the Singing Dogs there.

A Classic Christmas Song “O Christmas Tree”

Cody and Sierra last night seemed to be in a particularly good singing mood so we decided to do play a Christmas classic “O Christmas Tree.”  I think they both did a pretty good job, what do you think?

Remember if you have a suggestion for a holiday or Christmas song please leave a comment on Singing Dogs and let us know.  You are also welcome to shoot us an email.  We already fulfilled the song request “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer” and we are happy to play what our fans want to hear.  However please keep in mind we can't fulfill all song requests but we will certainly try our best.

We hope everyone enjoyed the Singing Dogs version of “O Christmas Tree” and wish everyone a Merry Christmas, a Happy New  Year, and a great holiday season.

Singing Dogs take on Christmas Songs

christmas songs
Singing Christmas Songs

Now that Thanksgiving is over Christmas songs on the radio and stores are in full swing.

Crooning Cody, Singing Sierra and I have started to record a few special and unique versions of classic Christmas songs.  We are still working on a couple currently but we decided to start off with the well known classic, “Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer” since that was requested via email by a fan of the singing dogs.

While I was playing the song I started laughing, since it was just too funny not to laugh!  Even after playing with Cody and Sierra for awhile it is still very hard not to laugh when they are both singing loudly together.  It's nice they both can have dog duets.

Please leave a comment and let us know what you think of our latest video.  If you have any requests for holiday songs or Christmas songs please let us know.  The Singing Dogs won't be able to fulfill all song requests but we will try out best to do so.

Sierra Sings “Auld Lang Syne” Lying Down! Best Version Ever!

I finished uploading and editing a version of “Auld Lang Syne” today which features just Singing Sierra.  (You can hear Crooning Cody too a little in the video too, but you need to listen closely.)

Sierra not only sings in this video but she is singing lying down on her side.  I would say it's a lazy version of “Auld Lang Syne!”  Sierra likes to sing lying down a lot but this is one of the best videos we have of her singing lying down.  It's great!

auld lang syne
Sierra Sings “Auld Lang Syne” Lying Down

Compared to our original Auld Lang Syne Youtube video, which got us on Anderson, I think Sierra's singing has really developed and improved.  She seems to be following notes more closely now and wants to follow along with the song and music.  Cody does a better job now too, but still doesn't quite open up his mouth as much so his singing is more muffled.  I guess Sierra needs to give him more singing lessons.

Auld Lang Syne is just the start of the all the holiday music and songs we will be releasing over the next couple weeks.  We have many Christmas songs we are practicing and working on getting onto the camera.  Sierra and Cody can sometimes be “Dog Divas” and won't sing when we get out the camera.  I guess they are shy!

Remember you can also Suggest Holiday Songs or Christmas songs for Crooning Cody and Singing Sierra to sing.  We can't accommodate all song requests but will do our best to try.

Suggest Holiday Songs for The Singing Dogs!

singing dogs

The Holiday Season is right around the corner and this means different things for different people.  For Crooning Cody, Singing Sierra and myself (aka The Singing Dogs) this means we are practicing hard on getting some holiday songs ready for the holiday season.

Instead of us dictating what our loyal fans and public want to hear and see on your Youtube channel, I thought I would ask all of you.  I am sure lots of people have their own personal favorite holiday songs and tunes they want to hear sung by “The Singing Dogs.”  If this is the case, please don't hesitate to let us know by leaving a comment below.

Please note Sierra is what I refer to as a “Dog Diva” since she only sings when she feels the urge and wants to.  Sierra also doesn't always like it when we shoot her on camera, since we can't figure out her good side.  Cody will sing by himself once in awhile, but not nearly as loudly when he has dog duets with Sierra.

Therefore it will be difficult for me to fulfill all song requests and we just can't do every holiday song.  We are happy to accept requests for obscure songs, but please note if you can't provide a for us to hear the song or sheet music it will be difficult for us to cover the song.  Cody, Sierra, and I would have to find the time to transcribe the song and then shoot a video for it, which is a time consuming process.