Singing Dogs have the Blues!

We haven't made any videos in awhile, but this is a short and sweet video brought to you by Singing Dogs which should put a smile on peoples faces for Labor Day Weekend.

I love the playing the blues on my saxophone but not as much as Cody and Sierra like singing to the blues it seems!  For some reason anytime I play these notes and this blues scale they both sing.  I guess we will work on a song that we can all enjoy.

We hope everyone has a nice Labor Day! 🙂


Singing Puppy and Dogs Improvise the Blues

Sierra and Scout

It's a blistering hot day here in Baltimore but Sierra, Scout, and Cody have a good way to keep cool, by singing the Blues! That's right it seems all three of these English Shepherds are fans of the blues.  Maybe they have the blues because of the heat and are not playing outside today.  I don't know!  I can only tell you I love playing the blues with them! 🙂

Cody did sing but unfortunately he wasn't in the field of view for the video.  You can still hear his nice deep bass voice though.

Also checkout Singing Sierra and Singing Scout from the other day.