SnapLeash Review

Recently I was contacted by a company called SnapLeash as they were interested in having us do a review of one of their leashes.

SnapLeash Review

Ok, so what makes a dog leash cool?  Basically the SnapLeash is pretty simple in its design.  It looks like a regular thick nylon dog leash but if you notice there are metal grommets in the middle and on both ends there are two swivel hooks for attaching to leashes or the SnapLeash itself to make a loop.  Basically this is one of those inventions you hold in your hands and say to yourself, “How come I didn't think of this?”

The first way to use the SnapLeash is basically as a regular leash with one dog.  You can hook the leash to their collar and make the other end into a loop so it's easier to hold the leash and handle your dog.  What I like about the SnapLeash is how it feels durable and well constructed when you hold it.  I feel comfortable handling our 50+ pound English Shepherds with it.   So as a regular leash it works well.

What caught me eye about the SnapLeash initially is that you could walk two dogs at the same time with one leash.  This is something I've been trying to figure out for awhile and when I got the email from SnapLeash it was a no-brainer to have them send me a unit.

The SnapLeash makes walking both dogs at the same time easier.  Of course walking two dogs on the same leash is more convenient for the owner but not the dogs.  Cody and Sierra seem to like the freedom of two leashes and getting them used to one leash would take a bit of time.  Both Singing Dogs pull in either direction so that makes the SnapLeash size feel short.  This isn't really a flaw in design but maybe more a flaw in our dog training.

Obviously if you see the videos below the crowning achievement of the SnapLeash is the fact you can hook it easily to a pole, post, or something secure while you are at the park or you are at a restaurant.  We all know holding dog leashes while eating, drinking, or reading is  a pain and no fun at all.  To test out the SnapLeash we went to the park and secured one end of the leash around a tree while we walked around to assess the sturdiness.  I was impressed with how easy and painless it was to utilize the SnapLeash to secure Sierra.  Normally with regular dog leashes this process would have taken me a lot more time and trying to figure out how to do some special knot.  (Knots are not my specialty.)  I could enjoy the park without my dogs if I wanted… of course they wouldn't like that. 🙂

My biggest complaint about the SnapLeash is the metal grommets on the leash make it uncomfortable to hold for long periods of time.  Obviously this is what makes the SnapLeash useful, but this might be an issue for some.  Maybe it needs a sleeve to improve grip comfort because I imagine other people would have the same complaint.  Also I don't like the idea that people are leaving their dogs for long periods of time with the SnapLeash unattended.  Where we live dog kidnappings are somewhat common and I'd hate for people to get to comfortable with any device to secure a dog without making sure they are ok.  If I go into a store to get food or something with Cody or Sierra attached to pole outside, I always make sure I can see them through the window at all times.  It's unlikely but you never know.  As long as owners are aware it's dangerous to leave a friendly dog unattended for too long it's a great product.

I thought this dog leash was pretty cool.

Overall I've been impressed with the SnapLeash.  It has simple functionality, good construction, and I'm sure a lot of dog owners who have used it really like it.

If you have any questions about the SnapLeash feel free to leave comments below and I'll try to answer them as best I can.

SnapLeash Videos

Editor's Note – SnapLeash sent a unit of the company's product to review.  While we did receive a complimentary SnapLeash to review we did not get any monetary compensation to write this article about our opinions of the dog leash.  This review reflects my honest opinions about the product and using it as a dog owner.  

One thought on “SnapLeash Review”

  1. Dorothea Goldfarb says:

    Hello.. I hope that you can help me. I purchased a snap leash from caupaw, loved it and now I can’t find it. Trying to buy another but can’t find any. Tried to contact the company, sent a message, never heard from them. All of their snap leashes are sold out. Really would appreciate your help on this. Thank you so very much.
    Dottie Goldfarb

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